Linear interpolation in Microsft Excel:
=IFERROR( IF( [@[x_axis]] = MAX(T_Inputs[x_axis]), INDEX(T_Inputs, MATCH([@[x_axis]], T_Inputs[x_axis], 1 ), MATCH([@[data_columns]], VALUE(T_Inputs[#Headers]), 0) ), ( INDEX(T_Inputs, MATCH([@[x_axis]], T_Inputs[x_axis],1), MATCH([@[data_columns]], VALUE(T_Inputs[#Headers]), 0 ) ) * ( IF([@[x_axis]] = MAX(T_Inputs[x_axis]), MAX(T_Inputs[x_axis]), INDEX(T_Inputs[x_axis], MATCH([@[x_axis]], T_Inputs[x_axis], 1 ) + 1) ) – [@[x_axis]] ) + IF([@[x_axis]] = MAX(T_Inputs[x_axis]), MAX(T_Inputs[x_axis]), INDEX(T_Inputs, MATCH([@[x_axis]], T_Inputs[x_axis], 1 ) + 1, MATCH([@[data_columns]], VALUE(T_Inputs[#Headers]), 0) ) ) * ( [@[x_axis]] – INDEX(T_Inputs[x_axis], MATCH([@[x_axis]], T_Inputs[x_axis],1)) ) ) / ( IF([@[x_axis]] = MAX(T_Inputs[x_axis]), MAX(T_Inputs[x_axis]), INDEX(T_Inputs[x_axis], MATCH([@[x_axis]], T_Inputs[x_axis], 1 ) + 1 ) ) – INDEX(T_Inputs[x_axis], MATCH([@[x_axis]], T_Inputs[x_axis], 1) ) ) ), “Check”)
to this in Python:
one_liner = interpolate.interp1d([100,150], [46.6,45.1])
I previously covered this topic of linear interpolation using excel tables. Now I would like to show a much cleaner way using Python.
This example with be using different data to change it up, but again with a mechanical engineering feel. I tried to write it for a general use interpolator with only the engineering related parts to show it in a real application.
The article has been broken up inline with code as follows:
- Inputs
- Clean up
- Analysis
- Results
- Summary
1 Inputs
I set the following engineering inputs to be used later in the calculations. But for a given design temperature, I need to determine the allowable stress value using linear interpolation.
# Engineering inputs design_temp = 485 # °C #<-- This value used to interpolate test_temp = 35 # °C design_pres = 18.4 # MPa
In this example, I set up the interpolation data ranges as long string values. This allows for easy copy and pasting from the source pdf file. The values are contained in a pdf table and copying individual lines and pasting them keeps the output in a decent format with just a space between values which can be cleaned up later.
I have stored the values as x
and y
variables to keep them similar to those defined in the python documentation. Plus I think it keeps it simple to reuse the code.
# --- ASME B31.3-2018 Table A-1M Basic Allowable Stresses in Tension for Metals (SI Units) # Line NominalComp ProductForm SpecNo TypeGrade UNS Closs Size P_No Notes MinTempC MinTensileMPa # MinYieldMPa MaxUseTempC MinTempto40 # 36 Carbon steel Pipe & tube API 5L B … … … 1 (57)(59)(77) B 414 241 593 (Derate Temp > 200°C) # (Note 4a boldface (90% yield) > 375°C) x = ' 65 100 150 200 250 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600' y = '138 138 138 138 132 126 122 118 113 95.1 79.5 62.6 45.0 31.7 21.4 14.2 9.40 6.89'
2 Cleanup
Since I copied individual lines above, the cleanup process is minimal. If multiple lines were copied the clean up would be more onerous.
The only thing to do is to get the long string of values into proper numbers. This can be done by splitting the string at spaces and converted those string values to float numbers (with decimals) and then chucking them into a NumPy array for good measure. This can all be done by python chaining in one line.
The length len
or number of data points in the x
and y
ranges have to be same, so it is good to check this before continuing, by including a conditional warning statement.
x = np.array(x.split()).astype(np.float) y = np.array(y.split()).astype(np.float) if len(x) != len(y): print('WARNING: The number of values (length) of the input ranges to not match. Go back and fix it!')
3 Analysis
With our datapoints ready to go, a plot will aid in understanding how the points are distributed.

The data points are shown as dots and the aim is to fill in the gaps with straight lines using linear interpolation. There are other options to linear that can use used like quadratic or cubic but will not be covered here.
A bit of background before getting started. Linear interpolation is simply finding a value along a line between 2 known points. For given points (x0 , y0) and (x1, y1) the value at y for a known x can be calculated by the following
Since python is utilised, it is good practice to reuse existing functions already written by the community. It keeps your code clean, short, tidy and less prone to errors. Some of Python’s more common packages will be taken to task are NumPy
and SciPy
. These are described on their sites as:
NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. It contains among other things:
- a powerful N-dimensional array object
- sophisticated (broadcasting) functions
- tools for integrating C/C++ and Fortran code
- useful linear algebra, Fourier transform, and random number capabilities
SciPy (pronounced “Sigh Pie”) is open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering.
To access the power of these packages is to just import them!
# import basic libraries import numpy as np from scipy import interpolate
Perusing through SciPy’s documentation, they have a tutorial specifically for Interpolation (how convenient). Right at the start is 1-D interpolation (interp1d) which looks like a good candidate.
The anatomy of the class is shown below. While simply using just x and y will work, I will be using some of the other parameters. Feel free to read the documentation details here
class scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind=’linear’, axis=-1, copy=True, bounds_error=None, fill_value=nan, assume_sorted=False)[source]
I will elaborate a little on assume_sorted=False
, bounds_error
and fill_value
is set to False by default, which means that the input data range for x
can be in ascending or descending order. This greatly improves scalability as you don’t have to worry about the order. Originally I used numpy.interp
but it only works with increasing values of x
is set to None by default, which will raise an error when interpolation is attempted on a value that is outside the range of x
, either at the start (left side) or at the end (right side) of the x
range. Personally, I don’t want to raise any errors in my code, therefore I will set it to False and deal with it in the fill values.
is set to nan (not a number) by default. In this example, I have specific requirements at both ends of the x
range. Temperatures lower (or left of the range) have to be set at the allowable stress at the first input range of y
. At the right side or end of the x range, temperatures higher (or right of the range) are not permitted, so I will set the allowable stress to 0.
# Interpolate a 1-D function using SciPy interpolate function y_bound_xmin = y[0] # <-- First position in python starts at zero y_bound_xmax = 0 # <-- right side set to zero stress f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(y_bound_xmin, y_bound_xmax) )
After running the interpolate function, any value(s) of x
has to be passed into f
as either a single number or as many you like.
# find the interpolated results for the given x input(s) f([30, design_temp, 601])
array([138. , 39.68, 0. ])
Here I passed in the design temperature as well as both left and right out of bounds cases to show that the result was as expected.
To get a closer look at the design temperature conditions, a plot zoomed in on the area can be easily created within python.

4 Results
As I used this post in an engineering context, I will finish up with a calculation based on my linear interpreted value.
The equation used is in ASME B31.3-2018 Process Piping section 345.4.2 Test Pressure.
P = internal design gage pressure, MPa
PT = minimum test gage pressure, MPa
S = allowable stress at component design temperature for the prevalent pipe material; see
Table A-1 or Table A-1M, MPa
ST = allowable stress at test temperature for the prevalent pipe material; see Table A-1 or Table A-1M, MPa
b31_3_allow = f(design_temp) stress_ratio = f(test_temp) / f(design_temp) test_pres = 1.5 * design_pres * stress_ratio test_ratio = test_pres / design_pres
Allowable Stress at test temperature: 138.0 MPa Allowable Stress at design temperature: 38.1 MPa Test Pressure: 100.0 MPa. Overall ratio to Design pressure: 5.4
Linear Interpolation using Python was performed using SciPy
built-in interp1d
function which easily caters for out of bound conditions. Compared to using Microsoft Excel which I covered previously, this is much for elegant and simpler.
I have included the full code on my Github page.
Disclaimer: I am a newbie to Python and am learning, therefore I’m sure my code may not be completely pythonic. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to drop a comment below or hit me up on one of the socials.
If you are interested, I would like to talk to you about an interpolation project I’m working on (or chat via email). I’m interested in Kriging or a variation, but have no experience with it.
Hi Michael,
Apologies for the late reply as I was off camping in the bush for the school holidays.
Sounds like an interesting project you are working on. To be honest, I had to run a search on “Kriging” and from a quick youtube video by ritvikmath and Wikipedia read, it seems you are using the right method for spatial interpolation.
So another quick search brought up pyKriging by capaulson. It looks like it might be a good candidate.
I quickly installed the package and ran the sample shown on the webpage. I placed the notebook and python file on my Github.
Using the prediction method on a point brings up the interpolated value for 2 known points, which in your case would be GPS coordinates. I believe the pyKriging package takes 2 X points between 0 and 1, so the GPS coordinates would have to be scaled accordingly. I found the following in stack overflow
This might be worth having a look into. If you have any question, then please drop me a note and I’d been keen to have a chat. Bear in mind that my Python skills are green as I’m just getting started.